Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Some really weird photography tricks? You bet!

Man, I came across this awesome post about some handy dandy tips that we can use with our photography. You can check it out here - The list is pretty good and awesome. There are so many things that I can use from there in my photography. I particularly liked the fifth tip which is on how to remove people from a tourist destination.

Here is an example -

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Photography Or Music? Or Music Of Photography?

I love photography but I also am fond of music. I have always been. Recently I am taking a shine to the new guitar my sister bought. Going to try out the guitar with some guitar lessons.I tried to check out guitar lessons here on but I was disappointed to find none. So what did I do? I turned to YouTube. Here is a good video for beginning guitar lessons -

I am searching for manuals for music. I will keep you posted if I find one :) 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Are you finding auto repair manual too?

I have had hard day finding auto repair manual for my car. There are so many websites that are trying to steal my data without giving me the thing I need - the actual manual. After a lot of searching and research, I was able to find a website that does has this data -

The website is quite comprehensive and has more than the manuals I initially needed. I also found photographic techniques manuals as well. Do check them out here - the software site.